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Mechanic's Liens/Stop Work Notices

Resolving mechanic's liens and stop notices involves strict enforcement of rights and statutes that have been developed to protect each party involved. What affects your case might not have any effect on someone else's case. It is important to consult with a highly qualified and experienced lawyer in the construction industry to fully understand all your rights and options.

At The Sams Law Firm, we provide assistance to contractors, subcontractors, builders, developers, property owners and others who require assistance resolving payment issues or enforcing liens or stop payment orders. Additionally, we work with public entities and municipalities to respond to stop notice claims. With more than 20 years of legal experience, founding attorney Warren Sams can help you resolve your case in a timely, efficient and effective matter.

When you work with our law firm, you gain the responsiveness and experience of our founding attorney, Warren Sams. Meeting directly with an attorney who has more than 20 years of experience in this industry can provide you with a litany of advantages from the beginning.

Georgia Stop Work Notices Attorney

Construction disputes of these types are prevalent, especially in a down economy. There just is not money for some contractors and property owners to make payments on time in many cases. This poses significant problems for parties on each side of the disputes. We represent both plaintiffs and defendants in these disputes, and we are fully capable of providing our resources and knowledge to their successful resolution, whether through negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation.

If your case requires enforcement, strong defense or the removal of a mechanic's lien, we can pursue the legal remedy that serves your best interests in a timely manner.

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