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Construction Schedule & Delay Claims

Stakes are high in the construction industry, and when work schedules are delayed or disrupted for any reason, the impact of even the smallest ripples can be costly. Delays and accelerated recovery schedules can dramatically impact project costs and render the original estimates and construction schedule largely irrelevant.

At The Sams Law Firm in Atlanta, we work with a broad range of clients to handle schedule and delay claims. We independently investigate, document and build a case in collaboration with expert resources to properly handle all claims on an individual basis. We can identify every party on a project who might bear some responsibility for delays or disruption. We can also evaluate costs and pursue compensation for damages and losses.

When you work with our law firm, you gain the responsiveness and experience of our founding attorney, Warren Sams. Meeting directly with an attorney who has more than 20 years of experience in this industry can provide you with a litany of advantages from the beginning.

Georgia Construction Law Attorney

Mr. Sams handles complex construction litigation in state and federal courts across Georgia. We provide top-notch legal counsel and representation to owners, designers, general contractors, suppliers, builders, developers, engineers and subcontractors, including electricians, plumbers, carpenters, tilers, concrete subcontractors and others.

We can work with you to determine if any of the following affected your case:

  • Concealed or unknown conditions on the construction site
  • Breach of contract or inaccurate description of work in the contract
  • Order changes resulting in cumulative impacts
  • Accelerated materials or labor
  • Inaccuracies in plans or specifications
  • Processing delays
  • Improper handling or notification of issues

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